Twin Elephants Clutch

USD 21.00 USD 25.00

If you like those old mythological tales where Kings rode on elephants and queens followed them; then the twin elephant clutch is sure thing for you. Gives a very old world charm element to the clutch, the designs is like a talking fable that leaves the onlooker mesmerised. This tales of by gone era is captured on the cover so go grab this one.

  1. Two medium and two large compartments to keep accessories like watches, makeup material, etc.
  2. One zipped compartment in-between to store keys or change.
  3. 12 card slots ensure that you can have all you need with you at all times.
  1. Fabric:Heavy-duty satin wong fabric. Lined with golden leatherite.
  2. Zips:Premium quality zips to ensure durability.
  3. Printing:HD digital printing.
  1. Width:9 inch,Height:5 inch, Weight:200 g